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Germany has a population of 81,799,600 people, Germany's capital city is Berlin and largest city Berlin.

Germany personel income per capita $41,168 (19th), jobless rate 0.75% and its currency Euro (€) (EUR) . Germany official languages and mostly spoken dialects are German, Turkish, ethnics groups : 81% Germans, 7% other Europeans, 4% Turks, 2% Asian, 6% others.

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  • Capital : Berlin
  • Population : 81,799,600
  • GDP : $3.367 trillion (4th)
  • Per Capita : $41,168 (19th)
  • Calling Code : +49
  • Jobless Rate : 6.70%
  • Area : 357,021 km2 (63rd) 137,847 sq mi
  • Largest City : Berlin
  • President : Joachim Gauck
  • Prime Minister : Angela Merkel
  • Currency : Euro (€) (EUR)
  • Time Zone : +1
  • Internet Ext. : .de
  • Inflation Rate : 1.70%
  • Interest Rate : 0.75%
  • Debt GDP : 80.50%
  • Languages : German, Turkish
  • Ethnicity : 81% Germans, 7% other Europeans, 4% Turks, 2% Asian, 6% others

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Germany has 357,021 km2 (63rd) 137,847 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $3.367 trillion (4th). Germany president Joachim Gauck and prime minister Angela Merkel.

Germany Economy

Germany GDP : $3.367 trillion (4th), Per Capita : $41,168 (19th)
Jobless Rate : 6.70% , Currency : Euro (€) (EUR)
Inflation Rate : 1.70% , Interest Rate : 0.75%
Debt GDP : 80.50% , Internet Ext. : .de
Calling Code : +49 , Time Zone : +1

Germany Geography & Climate

Germany Demographics & Ethnicity

Germany Population : 81,799,600, Area : 357,021 km2 (63rd) 137,847 sq mi
Germany Capital : Berlin, Largest City : Berlin
Languages : German, Turkish, Ethnicity : 81% Germans, 7% other Europeans, 4% Turks, 2% Asian, 6% others.

Germany Goverment & Military

Germany President : Joachim Gauck, Prime Minister : Angela Merkel

Germany Religion & Culture

Where is Germany & Map of Germany

A Collection of Germany Images, Photos and Maps

Adolf Hitler Germany

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Baden Germany New Castle

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Berlin germany

Cologne Cathedral Cologne Germany

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Frankfurt Germany

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German Empire proclamation bismark

German Reich 1871 1918

Germany landscape

germany map


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Germany castles

Germany emblem

Germany flag

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Hamburg Germany

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Koln germany

map of germany

Martin Luther germany.

München germany

physical map of Germany

Potsdamer Platz 1945 berlin germany

ramsau Germany europe

reichstag building berlin germany

where is Germany

Germany Largest Cities

Potsdam Map - Recklinghausen Map - Regensburg Map - Remscheid Map - Rostock Map - Saarbrucken Map - Salzgitter Map - Schwerin Map - Siegen Map - Solingen Map - Ulm Map - Wiesbaden Map - Witten Map - Wolfsburg Map - Wuppertal Map - Wurzburg Map - Zwickau Map - Heidelberg Map - Heilbronn Map - Hildesheim Map - Ingolstadt Map - Iserlohn Map - Jena Map - Kaiserslautern Map - Karlsruhe Map - Kassel Map - Kiel Map - Koblenz Map - Krefeld Map - Leverkusen Map - Lubeck Map - Ludwigshafen Map - Magdeburg Map - Mainz Map - Mannheim Map - Moers Map - Monchengladbach Map - Mulheim Map - Munster Map - Neuss Map - Herne Map - Oberhausen Map - Offenbach Map - Oldenburg Map - Osnabruck Map - Paderborn Map - Pforzheim Map - Berlin Map - Hamburg Map - Munchen Map - Koln Map - Frankfurt Map - Stuttgart Map - Dortmund Map - Essen Map - Dusseldorf Map - Bremen Map - Hannover Map - Leipzig Map - Dresden Map - Nurnberg Map - Aachen Map - Augsburg Map - Bergisch Gladbach Map - Bielefeld Map - Bochum Map - Bonn Map - Braunschweig Map - Brandenburg Map - Bremerhaven Map - Cottbus Map - Darmstadt Map - Dessau Map - Duisburg Map - Erfurt Map - Erlangen Map - Freiburg Map - Furth Map - Gelsenkirchen Map - Gera Map - Gottingen Map - Hagen Map - Hamm Map - Hanau Map -

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