Afghanistan Images

Afghanistan Images; Afghanistan has a population of 30,419,928 people, Afghanistan's capital city is Kabul and largest city Kabul.

Afghanistan personel income per capita $585, jobless rate 15.00% and its currency Afghani . Afghanistan official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Afghani, ethnics groups : Afghan.


Afghanistan Flag Where is Afghanistan in the World
  • Capital : Kabul
  • Population : 30,419,928
  • GDP : $18.181 billion
  • Per Capita : $585
  • Calling Code : +93
  • Jobless Rate : 15.00%
  • Area : 647,500 km2 (251,772 sq mi)
  • Largest City : Kabul
  • President : Hamid Karzai
  • Prime Minister : Mohammed Fahim
  • Currency : Afghani
  • Time Zone : +4:30
  • Internet Ext. : af
  • Inflation Rate : 5.80%
  • Interest Rate : 15.00%
  • Debt GDP : 8.00%
  • Languages : Afghani
  • Ethnicity : Afghan
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Afghanistan has 647,500 km2 (251,772 sq mi), its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $18.181 billion. Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai and prime minister Mohammed Fahim .

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Afghanistan Economy

Afghanistan GDP : $18.181 billion, Per Capita : $585
Jobless Rate : 15.00% , Currency : Afghani
Inflation Rate : 5.80% , Interest Rate : 15.00%
Debt GDP : 8.00% , Internet Ext. : af
Calling Code : +93 , Time Zone : +4:30

Herat Afghanistan

Herat Afghanistan
Herat, Afghanistan buildings. Herat is the third largest city in Afghanistan with a population of approximately 450,000.

Hindu Kush Mountains Afghanistan

Hindu Kush Mountains Afghanistan

Kabul, Afghanistan Marketplace

Kabul, Afghanistan Marketplace
Kabul, Afghanistan - October 2011: Marketplace full of shopping people in Old town, old city part in Kabul. In this part of market people buy birds in cages.

Mountains in Afghanistan

mountains in afghanistan
A view of the mountains in afghanistan with mud compound in the front

Germany Migrant from Afghanistan

Germany Migrant from Afghanistan
Passau, Germany - August 2, 2015: Mather and his daughter from Afghanistan in migrant registration center in Passau, southern Germany.

Informal Settlements in Kabul Afghanistan

Informal Settlements in Kabul

Winter in Kabul, Afghanistan

Winter in Kabul, Afghanistan
Kabul Afghanistan in the winter with mountains in the background.

Panjshir valley in Eastern Afghanistan

Panjshir valley in Eastern Afghanistan
Panjshir valley in Eastern Afghanistan, beautiful nature in Afghanistan landscapes with old soviet tanks.

Pamir, Afghanistan

Pamir, Afghanistan
Beautiful view of the Pamir, Afghanistan and Panj River along the Wachan Corridor

Mazar-i Sharif, Afghanistan

Mazar-i Sharif, Afghanistan
Mazar-i Sharif, Afghanistan - September 2012: Blue Mosque, Shrine of Hazrat-e-Ali, The 4th Caliphate of Islam.

Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan - Afghanistan

Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan - Afghanistan
Panorama of mountain pastures with wild yaks in the Pamir mountains in Tajikistan, on the border with Afghanistan.

Largest Cities' Map of Afghanistan

Kandahar Map
Mazar e Sharif Map
Kabul Map
Baghlan Map
Herat Map